September 13, 2011

Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve

I apologize for not having written on Sunday and Monday but I was extremely busy with Church, school, and work. I wasn't sure what exactly I was going to write about on Sunday when I remembered what day it was. As all or at least most of my readers will be aware, Sunday was the decade anniversary of September 11. I believe had my grandparents lived, that the day they will never forget was December 7; I believe for my generation, we will say the same of September 11.
Like many of my readers, I remember exactly where I was when I learned about the tragic events that changed our nation. I was initially shelled shocked for several days there after. If my memory is correct, I believe that my dad was on a business trip in Chicago on that faithful day. I remember at some point realizing the fact that just like I had seen on 9/11 that any of my family members or friends could taken from this life. This reality was underscored by the fact that I had already experienced the deaths of both of my grandmothers.

I remember in the days following September 11, hearing stories of family members and relatives about how they had lost a their love ones that day. I also remember that the most oft expressed regret was that that they wished they had told their loved ones and friends more frequently how much they loved and appreciated them. That memory still brings tears to my eyes. I then remember looking into the faces of the members of my family and promising myself that I make sure that my family members always knew that I loved them. From then on, I did my best to tell the members of my family how much I loved them and appreciated them. I more readily said "I love you" just before saying bye. I decided during that time that if my family and friends didn't know that I loved them by time that they left this world, that I would have failed part of my mission for this life. I started a tradition that my family knows about; I started giving each person of my family members a hug just before going to bed.

Since then, I have committed, to use the phrase from "Ever Ever After" from Enchanted, to "wear[ing] [my] heart on [my] sleeve". As some of my readers may know, this attitude from time to time causes me some pain but I will say that I have yet to regret it despite the heartbreaks it has brought me. I believe that too many times we fail to express love and gratitude to the extent that we should. I feel that for those of us who are trying to follow the Savior that this is a transgression. From what I know from my own life and what I have read in the scriptures, I believe that the Savior and our Heavenly Father both express their love to us readily and frequently. Therefore, if we wish to follow their example we must do the same.

So my invitation today is find more ways of expressing your love and gratitude to your loved ones and friends. If you can, learn to wear your heart on your sleeve; I promise that not that life will be easier, but I will promise you that you will learn to love the life the Lord has given you more and that you will come to view others more like our Savior views them.

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