June 19, 2011

Righteous Examples

I know today is Father's Day and a day devoted to the celebration of the men who gave us life. My blog post today will reflect somewhat on that.

So this semester I took a marriage skills class which was very educational in understanding the mechanics of how a marriage should work. One of the things that we looked at was the impact that our family life has on our relationships. After we looked at this, I realized how good my family life is and has been due to the righteous example of my father.

For those of you've talked extensively may know that in order for me to love something or someone (with the exceptions being God the Father, and Jesus Christ) I have to know both the good and bad sides of it or them. So when I say that I love my dad, I hope everyone understands that he is NOT perfect but I know that he's sure working at it. Being the oldest of four, I've seen him grow and change from being a military man and being very strict in his younger years to being a kinder, loving and more understanding man in later years. He's a good man who works hard and gets little recognition because he's not a CEO. He loves my mom deeply and I honestly hope that I can be half as good at romancing my wife as he is at romancing my mom. I've seen him serve in many different church positions and serve faithfully in each. He's a good teacher and a fun person. I love him a lot because of the many things that he has taught me just through his example. Of all the men that I could have had as father I'm glad that I have been blessed to have him as righteous example of how a priesthood holder should live.

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