December 28, 2011

And Upon These I Write the Things of My Soul

So these last two week have been pretty crazy with clean checks, finals, going down to Utah, and the holidays. I love spending time with my family and even being able to help my friend Crystal stay sane. On the other hand, I have really missed my girlfriend and I missed being able to always be there for her. Luckily, I was able to go to the Salt Lake City temple with my friend Crystal.
These holidays have been interesting because my sister Catherine is nearing the end of her pregnancy and her little boy tends to move around quiet a bit. Being the oldest of four kids I remember being little and feeling my mom's stomach when she was pregnant with my two youngest siblings. It now strikes me as odd to realize that my sister that I grew up with, that I was little with, will be having a little person of her own soon.

For me, this is one of those things that is mile marker. It is also reminder that we all are in different phases of life and that we will always move from one phase to another, often silently and slowly. I think some of the greatest changes in this world are often silent and slow, and if we are not careful we may over look them.

These last few weeks have been enjoyable but hectic. I will admit that in the last few weeks I have not been as diligent in my journal writing as I ought to have been; hence why this post has been less events and more thoughts. For about the last month or so, I have been going through the Book of Mormon again because I haven't done so since I was on my mission in 2009. Since then my life has taken many turns and I have had many scriptural classes both of which have greatly improved my understanding.

A few weeks ago, I ran across a scripture that stuck out to me. It's found in 2 Nephi chapter 4, in this chapter Nephi talks about the plates and what they mean to him; he writes about them in these terms "And upon these (the plates) I write the things of my soul... Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord..." (verse 15, 16) I like these verses because I to me, that is what I should writing about in my journal "the things of my soul". In a small extent, I feel that I understand it's importance. My grandpa Sebright wrote a journal while he was in school. Years later after he had passed away, my dad read it and it helped him to come closer to his father. Think about it this way, if someone only knew you from what you wrote in your journal, would they recognize your personality? Would they understand your motives? My challenge to you and myself my dear readers is to try and do better at your journal writing and try to write more of "the things of [your] soul" upon them. May the Lord bless and keep you is my prayer. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 11, 2011

A Grateful Currant Bush

This week has been good but a little long because I worked hard on a big project and getting other things done. This week I had a ton of papers, finals, and other things that I needed to get done. Between this post and the last one, I have been able to give one of my good friends, Crystal Champion, two priesthood blessings of comfort because she was going through a really rough time since she's graduating this week and starting a whole new adventure. I won't lie, I'm going to miss her because she's like a sister to me. We've been friends since we both started school back in 2006. We're both dorks who love the South, the gospel and who both speak French (I speak it more than she does but she does a good job understanding me).
A few weeks ago, Barbara and I attended the annual Jane Austen Yule Ball. It was lots of fun to get dressed like the guys on Pride and Prejudice. For those of you who don't know, I have read the book and my favorite movie version is the A&E 5 hour version. I should note that it seemed to take quiet a while to get changed into the garb which made me thankful that I didn't live in that time period. It was a lot of fun doing the dances and seeing lots of different people that I know. Here's a good picture of Barbara and I.
Going back to the blessings that I gave Crystal, it was interesting because in one of them, I told her as the Spirit directed that "Heavenly Father was proud of what [she'd] done with the friendships that [she'd] made and the lives of the people [she had] blessed." I had to pause for a moment after that because it was a tender moment because my friend Crystal truly has blessed my life.

So this last week, I reflected a bit on my past and where I thought I'd be. I was reminded of the talk "The Currant Bush" by Hugh B. Brown. This is one of my favorite talks and some of my longer readers will recognize that this is not the first reference that I've made to it. I remember feeling like the currant bush earlier this year because I through a third and rather painful breakup. Coming to the close of a year, I am definitely not were I planned to be and this next year will be to be interesting and full of new challenges. While Elder Hugh B. Brown saw some 50 years later that the Lord had hurt him to put him on a new path, for me it has not been 50 years but I will say that I am thankful for the path that the Lord has put me on. Because here, I have been able to help my friends and family, and I was able to meet Barbara. Barbara has been a great blessing in my life (for the short time that she's been a part of it) and she has helped me to learn things that I could not have learned anywhere else.

I hope that you my dear readers will be able to look at your past and see the places where God put you on another path even if it meant hurting you a bit. I hope that you will see His hand directing you and thatone day, like I am today, you will be thankful for Him redirecting your life so that you grow more and better become who He wants you to be. This is my prayer for you. I hope y'all have a good week!

December 6, 2011

The Power of Hymns

Sorry, my dear readers, I have been extremely busy with school, work, and my wonderful girlfriend.

The reason I did not post on Sunday, (I don't know why I didn't post the Sunday before that) was because I was Utah and then traveling back up to here. I went on a spur of the moment road trip with my girlfriend Barbara to visit her biological mom who had stopped in Salt Lake City. We had a lot of fun and got to know each other better.

What has stuck out to me this week, is the power of hymns. In the opening of an LDS hymnal, there is a message from the First Presidency about the importance of hymns. A line from it reads "Some of the greatest sermons are preached by the singing of hymns." I will admit that the first time that I read that line that I was stuck out to me because I thought it was really odd. This past week has highlighted the power of hymns. Some of my most powerful experiences with Spirit were while I was listening to or singing a hymn. The lyrics often speak truth and sometimes when you are relate to a certain line it can bring the whole hymn home and bring the Spirit into your heart in a powerful way.

So my challenge to you is to find a hymn and sing it or to read the lyrics while listening to a recorded version. I promise that if you want it that the Holy Ghost will bear witness to you that the lyrics of that song contain eternal truths. Have a good week!

November 24, 2011

Confess Not His Hand in All Things

So this last week been hectic. I seemed to have forgotten how fun you have with girlfriend and how time seems to rush by. I've done lots of homework, work and even more hanging out with my wonderful girlfriend. Well I'm now home here in Utah with my family and my good friends, Chellie and Erick.

This weekened (because this is what I remember) Barbara and I had dinner with my sister Megan and her boyfriend Garrett. The next day (I think) my Mom and brother Aaron came up to take us down here to Utah. They both were able to met my girlfriend who was a tad bit nervous at meeting my family. Barbara watched as my sister, my mom, and I played a card game that is notorious in our family called Spite and Malice. After hearing all of the friendly banter among my family members, Barbara remarked "Your family is a lot of fun." I agree with my Mom's assessment of Barbara, she's a keeper.
This week I read in section fifty nine of Doctrine and Covenants for my class. In there I read one of my favorite verses, verse twenty one, which reads "And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments."

This week, I have realized that I am not always very good at acknowledging the hand of the Lord in all things. I mean I know He does a lot to help me in my life but I don't always remark it as often as I should. Something that I've found to be helpful is writing in my journal often helps me to better recognize His hand in my life. To paraphrase President Eyring, it helps to remind me of ways that the Lord may have helped me but that I may have over looked at the time. The Lord has given me so many blessings, my family for starters. I love each of them and I wouldn't be who I am today without them. My friends are another one, who bring happiness, joy and a good deal of advice to my life. My wonderful girlfriend who makes me happy and who lets me make her happy. My college is a blessing; I'm gaining, what is is my mind, an invaluable education on both secular and spiritual matters. Most of all I am glad to have the gospel of the Lord in my life that allows me to know of my Father in heaven and to be able to see His hand in my life. I hope that you all during this season of Thanksgiving can find more ways to acknowledge the hand of the Lord in your life. If you're bad at journal writing like I was, make a renewed effort to better at it. Just start one day at a time. I know you can do it! Because I have! Have a good week!

November 13, 2011

The Little Things

So this apparently has been a good week for all of my family. Two of my other family members had good things happen to them on Friday. And I got a girlfriend. :) So I think I will start with that story so as my sister Megan put it best "I don't have to tell a story a million different times". Not to mention people have been clamoring for the details. Don't worry, I'll get to my spiritual message following that.

The best place to start is at the beginning. During the break between semesters, my roommate Noé started a group on Facebook called BYU-I Harmony. I decided to join it mostly out of curiosity and a bit of boredom. As Noé got busy dating a girl, he assigned other people as to be administrators over the page. Many of them got busy too and so one day, Noé made me one because he knew that I checked up on the page regularly. Well the semester started and the group kinda died out. I aske around and found out that there was no girl administrator. So I asked for volunteers. A brave girl, named Barbara Spaulding, stepped up and volunteered. I made her an administrator and added her as a friend so that we could more easily communicate and coordinate things on the page.

Two weeks ago I contacted her and talked to her about trying to get the group going again. Last Sunday I decided that I should get to know my co-administrator a bit better. So I went explored her facebook page. I commented on couple of things on her wall and then I noticed that she was on. I decided to chat with her because we almost were having a conversation on her wall. Well we had really good open conversation about dating. We talked about we both hated dating which was ironic since we are both administrators of BYU-I Harmony. Well then, she said, maybe this was a sign that we should go on a date. So I asked her if we could meet up and then we could decide if we'd like to go on a date. She agreed. So then I got her number so that we could arrange our meeting.

We texted constantly for the next few days until we met. I was excited to meet her. Talking to her was better in person than it was digitally. The next day we hung out with my sister Megan and her boyfriend. We had a lot of fun and a good time. We decided then that we wanted to date each other. On Friday I asked her on a double date with my friend and former roommate Erick (pictured above) and my friend Sarah. It went well and we all ate well. Since then we have talked a lot and become very good friends. As my former roommate Victor told me. There are two types of girls, ones that you chase constantly; the second you chase each other. I feel like Barbara is the second type and I like it better.
So my message this week, is about the little things. Something that the Lord has placed an emphasis on following the small promptings. The devotional this week mentioned it, I read about it and many of the talks today in church today talked about following the promptings in the small things. I have learned that if follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost in small things that the Lord will be more willing to lead and help us. But we must make the effort to do so. I have seen how that works or doesn't depending our obedience. I am reminded of the scripture in Alma "that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise." (Alma 37:6) I know that the Lord uses small means to bring about His great works. I feel like since I started what I thought was just a small side conversation, has turned out to be a great blessing in my life.

I hope that you will strive to follow the little promptings or like I like to think of them as spiritual nudges. May the Lord bless you with happiness is my prayer. Have a good week!

November 6, 2011

The Power of Choice

So this week started out with me fighting the despair and discouragement; it seems to me that Satan must have been running a campaign against me. I asked Heavenly Father to help me overcome but promised to do what I can to overcome it. I will say that Heavenly Father helped provide me with love and support that I needed. I want to share an idea that helped me. I have made a list of songs that I call my "Pick Me Up" . I listened to that song which contains a mixture of my favorite hymns and quite a few of my favorite modern songs that have positive music and positive lyrics. Listening to these songs truly helped keep me buoyed up through that rough patch.

On Tuesday, I think I had a pretty powerful lesson in Brother Pyper's class; his pictured below with me. One of my class mates told a story from her life and taught us an application of scripture.

This week, I had a string of good scripture study sessions mainly because I followed the promptings of the Spirit and I read some different talks and scriptures that I wouldn't normally have read. On Friday I went and watched a movie with one of my good friends, Chellie. The movie is called "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time". As may be obvious from the title, it was about time travel. I liked the movie because without meaning to, it highlighted how our simple choices have a large impact over the long run. This seems to have been a theme for me, at least this weekend.

The last two days the stake to which my sister and I belong has had it's stake conference. It has been very good to get so much instruction. This afternoon, a girl in my French class (who's apparently in my stake) gave a really good talk about the Atonement and choice. She said that everyday she gets on her knees and tells the Lord that she's going to give or loan him her agency; I really like that idea and want to set that as a goal for myself. Another sister in our stake referenced President Ucthdorf's talk "A Matter of a Few Degrees" and said that we should also look at that a few degrees of improvement can have a large impact for good. She also encouraged us to get to the temple as often as we can.

So this week I'm going to try to make some improvements in my life. One of them is smiling. I feel that if I'm happy that I should be smiling more than I do. Another thing that I'm going to do is pondering after doing scripture study so that I can better apply it. I will continue to make a small list of things to improve. My challenge to you is to find small things that you can improve and to make those choices and stick with them because you don't know the importance it may have in your life.

October 30, 2011

Having a Perfect Brightness of Hope

So this week has been rather rough. But I'll get to that in a minute. The highlights of my week were going to the temple with a couple of my friends. One was my friend Crystal; the other is a new friend named Mia. It was fun to go with those two crazy girls. The other was having a "short" lunch with my sister Megan. By short, I mean it only lasted an hour. For those of my readers who are unaware, my family tends to be very talkative. I imagine some of you will understand a bit better now, why I tend to be rather talkative.
This week, I also got to break out my winter gear which was disappointing. This week I'm slowly closing in on the end of The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. It is a continuation of the Percy Jackson series.
My roommate Risto pictured in my last post is letting me read it. I also bought the next book in the series called The Son of Neptune. I may like this series a lot considering that when I met one of the new sisters in my home evening group that I thought she looked like Annabeth.

Okay, so my week started and I was slowly coming to a decision. The decision I came to, around Monday evening, was that I was finished with the dating scene for the semester. I won't provide details just know that this was not quickly made decision; I'll just say that my dating history is best summed up by the French phrase "C'est toute une histoire." The next day I was going to do my scripture study and I asked the Lord that if He had anything in particular that He wanted me to read that he would direct me to it. I was prompted to read "Continue in Patience" by President Ucthdorf. As I read I felt the Spirit elbowing me and letting me know that this talk was meant for me to APPLY right now, so I changed my attitude and continued to read. Eventually I got to the part when he talks about how patience requires that we work towards our worthwhile goals and don't get discouraged because results don't instantly appear. I then read this line that was a sharp divine call (for me) to repentance "patience is not passive resignation". I knew right then, that I needed to repent. That afternoon, the devotional was on the Atonement and the temple which reinforced the Lord's message to me. That afternoon I went home and repented.

Well the rest of the week was characterized by lots of homework stress and no progress on the dating front. At first I was annoyed when the Lord reminded me that there must be opposition in all things; this includes dating. On related note, I will say that one of my roommates got engaged this weekend and right now, I am happy to be single because I know I couldn't handle all of the stress of an engagement on top of everything else I have to deal with.

I feel a bit uncomfortable writing this... mainly because I don't talk like talking my love life outside of a small group of people. They know who they are.

So I hope that you will try to listen to the Holy Ghost, especially when it tells you to repent. But more importantly, I hope you don't lose hope in the Lord's promises. I know that they are real, no matter how distance they may seem to you. God loves you. He knows the details of your life and understands your feelings perfectly. Never lose hope; the Atonement can heal you and help you regain the hope that you need. Remember the blessings and many answered prayers that you've had, if those are not great reasons to hope; I don't know what is!

I pray that you all have a good week!

October 23, 2011

The Greenie Theory

So this week has been long and kinda hard but the good news is that it ended with my family coming up. Then the next day I had a date.

Monday we had a fun HE. One of my roommates planned it. First we played a game of missionary tag. Then we did a fun activity that had someone get their face dirty in the dark. Then the same girl named Monika volunteered to have her face remade into a Sundae. So we did that. Here are some photos.

I should mention that the guy Monika is hugging is my roommate Risto. He's one who came up with both the ideas that got Monika dirty. So you can see that she was just being "sweet" and sharing with him.

On Friday my family came up from Utah to spend some time with me and my sister Megan (Refer to last post). We had dinner together at Applebees which was really good. We had fun and got to feel like a family again.

Saturday morning I worked and then I came home. My date happened earlier than planned because she had some time constraints. I made Sloppy Joes that were more like soupy joes because I added too much water. My date brought a cinnamon apples in syrup which was really good. We decided to make Muddy Buddies (also known as puppy chow) on the spur of the moment which was messy but fun. Before I left, my date gave me a full bag of muddy buddies to take home. This is what's left.

On Tuesday we had another excellent devotional given by a Brother Wilkins who's grandfather was President Harold B. Lee. He gave a great talk about not worrying about the future but living to the fullest today as the best preparation for today. To be honest I really needed to hear that. As of late I've been worrying a lot about my immediate future in different aspects and it was creating a burden of worry and doubt. This burden had been stressing me out and limiting my productivity. So I talked to the Lord and I've worked at removing it; that talk helped me because it's changed my attitude about how to deal with stressful things.

I came to realize that this burden has stopped me from doing something important. Stretching myself. No, I'm not talking about making myself taller (as nice as that might be). I mean getting out of your comfort zone and learning. My religion teacher Brother Pyper (I'll get a picture of him one day, I promise) has a theory that I believe is at least partly correct called the Greenie Theory (hence the title). It goes that when one goes on a mission, you get in the MTC and you're nervous and don't know what to do and you're really uncomfortable but learning and growing a lot. Then you're sent to the mission field and the same thing happens. This cycle repeats itself at many other different stages of our lives.

I think that can be like being humbled. Originally the Lord will humble us but as we grow more spiritually mature, then He expects us to humble ourselves. If we forget, then He will come along and humble us again. I feel like the Lord will initially move you out of your comfort zone but eventually He expects you to do that by yourself. I personally had forgotten and it had created a spiritual burden that I had not consciously recognized until this week.

Remember that God created "things to act and things to be acted upon" (2 Nephi 2:14). We must act for ourselves. If want our talents to grow we cannot bury them in the ground or use them solely for our own benefit; we must take them to the money changers or use them to help others then and only then will our talents grow. If we do no use our talents, we will find them diminished or taken away. I hope that each you looks for you talents. If don't know them, go find some one to serve. I promise that you'll find them then. I hope you find a way to stretch yourself and find a way to get out of your comfort zone so that you can grow in the Lord's way. This my humble prayer. Have a good week!

October 17, 2011

The Tender Mercies of the Lord Are Over All Those

So this week has been interesting. It's been fun but hard at the same time. I've had a lot of homework, work, and other issues. The good news is that I have a date later this week. I'm happy about that I think it'll be really good.

On Saturday I was able to go back to the temple. I haven't been in over three weeks which was waaaay to long. The good news is that even though I had to wait for an hour in the temple, I was able to feel the Spirit and I even felt a pang of grief at having to leave the temple and go home.

Saturday afternoon, I got to see my sister because we both worked the same shift at work and then we decided to have lunch together. I also got to walk home with her on Sunday. It was good to be around family and get to talk again. We've both have been busy and so we haven't see each other a lot.

On Sunday, church was really good. Every single speaker touched on something that I needed to here. Also we had a special music number and a sister performed the most beautiful rendition of "Come Thou Fount" that I have every heard. I will be honest, I cried because the Spirit was that strong.

This week, I was in the middle of writing a missionary when I realized a tender mercy of the Lord. Before my mission, my sister Megan (pictured above) were really close. When I came after my mission, I was more mature and my sister was a young women and no longer the little girl I remember. So needless to say we found that our relation would need to change and we tried making it work with some success. Then my sister applied to and got into BYU-Idaho. Eventually she decided to live in the apartment complex next to mine. Because she lives "next door" we've been blessed to be able to rebuild our relationship to as good, if not better, than it was before. I realized that this was a tender mercy of the Lord. After that I started to see many others in my life.

I ask you, my readers, to look for the tender mercies of the Lord. As I learned in church on Sunday, "the Lord doesn't have a cell phone" but that doesn't mean that He isn't trying to sending us the equivalent of little love texts or tender mercies just as often as we receive texts. I hope that you stop and review you days and look for the tender mercies that our Father in Heaven has given you.

October 9, 2011

Being the Spirit that is

I figure I will start out by updating you on what happened yesterday. This is what happened: woke up, work, lunch, homework, comforting a friend, homework, dinner, dance, evening chat. Here's the best best picture of me and a couple of my friends at the dance.
Megan, try not to make weird noises or twitch too much when you see this photo.
Today, I got up and went to Church was good but could have been better if I had managed to get to sleep a bit earlier.

So as today I found a theme that the Lord has given me for the last week. It like my title indicates, that we need to be sensitive to the Spirit. I have to say that is something that I struggled with remaining sensitive to the Spirit. It requires a lot of repenting and doing the right thing no matter how tired, hungry, or what type of 'mood' you are in. It also requires not giving in to those ideas to say something that you know will drive the Spirit away or is inappropriate.

This afternoon, I was reading a devotional given by Elder Bednar when he was just President Bednar of BYU-Idaho, entitled "Line Upon Line" which has some of the same material he used in his talk during the April general conference "The Spirit of Revelation". I found this talk because it was recommended to my teacher Brother Lon Pyper, who has been a spiritual mentor of sorts for me up here, back in 2009 while I struggling to make a decision. I think I'll try to get a picture with him so that you, my dear readers, can have a face with the name but I digress. In this talk he talks about how if we are keeping the commandments and are diligent then we will receive revelation. He says that often times "we receive a series of seemingly small and incremental spiritual impressions and nudges, which in totality constitute the desired confirmation about the correctness of the path which we are pursuing." I like that quote because I've started noticing those 'nudges'. He also talks about the relationship between faith, obedience, wisdom and desire, which I have diagrammed below.

Faith --> Obedience --> Wisdom --> Greater desire for added light and truth

I would also like to note that it dawned on me today, that while Elder Bednar gave both of these talks, the difference being that he was ordained an Apostle in between them, that he has the same basic testimony that he has always had; though his testimony of the principles of the gospel is obviously much stronger now then it was then.

So I would like to encourage you, mes chèrs lecteurs et lectrices, to try to remain sensitive to the Spirit. I promise you that as you do the Lord will guide and help you. He will sustain you in your trials and amplify your joys amid your sorrows. I hope that each you have a good week as you strive to be sensitive to the Spirit.

October 8, 2011

Continuous Revelation

Wow.... So it's been about two weeks since I last posted. I think a few of you may have seen the change that I made to the back ground.

Seeing as it's been two weeks since I posted, I suppose that I should give you an update on things. Well I getting a handle on my classes which has been a bit rough. I think my brain is asking for a break.

Last weekend I went 'home' to Utah to visit my family. It was nice to have all of us together but it was odd because I was reminded of how we've all become our own adults with different interests and different lives. My family and I had the opportunity to go to General Conference. It was amazing and like my dad said best "Has it really been 3 hours already?".

Being there reminded me of the great blessing that we have to live in age were have easy access to the words of a living prophet of God.

I'm always impressed by the talks. Especially after I learned from Elder Holland that almost none of the speakers are assigned a topic. I'm impressed how well those men and women are able to follow the Spirit and teach the gospel with their own voice.

I'd like to lead you, my readers, with a scripture that I got re-read a couple of weeks ago for my class.

“And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do good—yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit.” (D&C 11:12)

This verse stuck out to me because I always want to follow the Spirit but it is often less than straight forward on how to recognize those promptings. This scripture sheds some light on the matter.

Elder Bednar last General Conference talked about revelation. He said "But regardless of the pattern whereby [revelation] is received, the light it provides will illuminate and enlarge your soul, enlighten your understanding"

I love how the Lord has given us both the scriptures and living prophets who can help us to better understand how to recognize the Holy Ghost.

I challenge you and myself to try listen a little bit harder for the whisperings of the Spirit.

September 18, 2011

Some Days I Miss the Rain

I wanted to post earlier this week but sadly I was busy between being ill with a sinus and ear infection, work and school. The end of this week has been largely uneventful for me. Also if anyone has photos of things, people, or places that they want to take pictures of please let me know. I am in need of more ideas.

My title comes from a thought that I had on Friday. I stayed home and did my best to rest; I am my father's son and sitting still and doing nothing are difficult. I did some homework sitting in my room. I was sitting in my room when a rain storm erupted outside. It was lovely and it even reached the point of being a massive down pour. I very much wanted to go out and run around in it but I knew that it would be a poor decision especially because I was missing school because I was already sick.

So on Thursday I worked and after work I was in a good mood for some reason that I don't recall. On my way home a saw a couple of cute girls, and decided to say hi. I said hi in passing and gave them a smile. Then I saw a couple and decided not to say hi to them. The guy said "Hi Smilely Guy." I thought that it was funny because I had an ear and sinus infection and felt more tired than happy. This incident reminded me of a time in middle school; I need to say that for me, my middle school years were rather depressing. I had a friend of mine who was having a crisis in her life and felt that she needed more than what her religion was providing her. She asked a few of friends before asking me about my religion. She started asking by saying something to the effect of "Albert, you're always so happy and I want to know why". I will always remembering thinking about how odd it seemed to me that I could appear happy to someone else, even when, in my mind, I felt miserable. I have since decided that it is because I have the Gospel in my life. I think that because I do my best to live the Gospel that Heavenly Father helps me to see the bright side in even the darkest of situations.

I took the picture below because I did this without thinking while making a sandwich and it ties in so when to this post.
My spiritual thought for this week comes from something that I learned while reading a talk by President Eyring of the First Presidency that he gave at BYU-Idaho in 2001 called "A Steady, Upward Course". I haven't finished the talk yet but from I've read it's very good and it was given only a week after Sept. 11.

In the talk, he talks about the phrase "Remember who you are" which is repeated by some parents to their children as they walk out the door on their way to an activity. He says that this phrase assumes that "you had asked and answered a question correctly to know who you really are." He says that if we have answered this question "well and wisely" that it will allow us to progress in the changing world. In his talk, he refers to teenagers and the confusing period of life that they're going through. I remember being a rather confused teenager and like Joseph Smith wanting to know my standing before the Lord. So at the age of 14, I sought out my patriarchal blessing. In it Heavenly Father makes it clear what He wanted me to do and who He wants me to be. Ever since I figured out who I was to my Father in Heaven, it has a world of difference to me in my life. Remembering that I am a son of my Father and that He expects a lot of me, has helped me to make the right decision in numerous occasions. The Spirit made it clear to me that this was why, He had reminded me so many times of my eternal identity. This revelation humbled me and I thanked my Heavenly Father for those reminders of who I am.

I hope that this week, if you haven't asked who you are that you will ask. I hope you ask our Father in Heaven so that He may witness to you that you are really His son or daughter whom He loves. I feel impressed to remind you, mes chèrs lecteurs et lectrices, that you should never resist running out in the rain of the Atonement. I know from past experience that the Atonement of our Savior can wash off the all filth on you so that you can be the real you, a child of Heavenly Father. Please do not hesitate to use the power of the Atonement. It will cleanse you from sins from which you thought you never could be clean and it can heal all wounds no matter how deep. I testify of this in the Savior's name who's sacrifice can make us clean, even Jesus Christ, amen.

September 13, 2011

Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve

I apologize for not having written on Sunday and Monday but I was extremely busy with Church, school, and work. I wasn't sure what exactly I was going to write about on Sunday when I remembered what day it was. As all or at least most of my readers will be aware, Sunday was the decade anniversary of September 11. I believe had my grandparents lived, that the day they will never forget was December 7; I believe for my generation, we will say the same of September 11.
Like many of my readers, I remember exactly where I was when I learned about the tragic events that changed our nation. I was initially shelled shocked for several days there after. If my memory is correct, I believe that my dad was on a business trip in Chicago on that faithful day. I remember at some point realizing the fact that just like I had seen on 9/11 that any of my family members or friends could taken from this life. This reality was underscored by the fact that I had already experienced the deaths of both of my grandmothers.

I remember in the days following September 11, hearing stories of family members and relatives about how they had lost a their love ones that day. I also remember that the most oft expressed regret was that that they wished they had told their loved ones and friends more frequently how much they loved and appreciated them. That memory still brings tears to my eyes. I then remember looking into the faces of the members of my family and promising myself that I make sure that my family members always knew that I loved them. From then on, I did my best to tell the members of my family how much I loved them and appreciated them. I more readily said "I love you" just before saying bye. I decided during that time that if my family and friends didn't know that I loved them by time that they left this world, that I would have failed part of my mission for this life. I started a tradition that my family knows about; I started giving each person of my family members a hug just before going to bed.

Since then, I have committed, to use the phrase from "Ever Ever After" from Enchanted, to "wear[ing] [my] heart on [my] sleeve". As some of my readers may know, this attitude from time to time causes me some pain but I will say that I have yet to regret it despite the heartbreaks it has brought me. I believe that too many times we fail to express love and gratitude to the extent that we should. I feel that for those of us who are trying to follow the Savior that this is a transgression. From what I know from my own life and what I have read in the scriptures, I believe that the Savior and our Heavenly Father both express their love to us readily and frequently. Therefore, if we wish to follow their example we must do the same.

So my invitation today is find more ways of expressing your love and gratitude to your loved ones and friends. If you can, learn to wear your heart on your sleeve; I promise that not that life will be easier, but I will promise you that you will learn to love the life the Lord has given you more and that you will come to view others more like our Savior views them.

September 7, 2011

The Shadow Proves the Sunshine

These last couple of days have been rather uneventful for me. I have changed apartments and gotten my texts books for the upcoming semester which is now routine; I should mention that I've been taking classes with only eight weeks of interruption.

Today I helped my sister locate a store that saved her a bunch of money on books; it's like Geico but for text books. I went to work which was slow but nice because I got to speak a bit of French. J'aime le français même si je ne parle plus très bien.

On my way home from work, it attempted to drizzle as the sun was setting in the West.
I did not take this photo but it gives you an idea of what I saw.

The feel and look of town in that condition was breathtaking. It reminded me of a poem that I wrote called "Busy With the Music"; it is centered around the fact that we are often surrounded by music but we sometimes miss the beauty of what our Heavenly Father has created. I hold a personal belief that God is the greatest artist and every other great artist is just doing their best to copy His work in the best way they know how. I know that God has created the most beautiful things in life; I feel that the Plan of Salvation, mountains, moving water, weather, birds, and women are just a few of my favorites of His works.

While I was walking home from work, the chorus of "The Shadow Proves the Sunshine" by Switchfoot (one of my favorite bands) popped into my head while enjoying this beautiful scene. You can listen to it here. That song always reminds me that there has to be opposition in all things so that I can enjoy the beautiful moments more fully; like I was able to today.

I hope that you, my reader, find time to slow down and enjoy some of the beautiful things, animals, or people in your life. I know that they exist, no matter how dark or dim your life may seem presently. The Lord loves you and has created beautiful things as little love notes or "texts" to let know that He loves you, so look for them!

September 4, 2011

Learn What You Preach & Adopting a Different Idea of Success

So this week has been long one but a good one. I'm getting ready to start another semester in a couple weeks. I have most of my books and my schedule; I personally believe it's going to be a fun but interesting semester. I'll be rooming with three guys from my current apartment and one of my roommates from last semester, Erick. I may take pictures of them and introduce them to you later, because it is likely enough that I will mention at least one of them in the future.

Well I have two photos to include. The first is an Altoids container; I know this may seem strange but I should mention I don't normally buy Altoids because I'm not much of a mint or gum person. This week my roommate Victor brought home a sewing case of a friend which had as it's container an Altoids box. This inspired me to buy one which when I am done with it will become a sewing kit container because I want a sturdy sewing case. I should mention that I like to sow because it rather calming. As Agly says "I can't eat muffins in an agitated manner", for me it is sewing.
The other picture I took this evening was of one of my favorite ties. I will readily admit that I didn't remember my photo challenge until right before I started writing my post. It is green and gorgeous. Just look at it; every time I wear I get compliments.
So now on the important things. This week was a good week but I learned early in the week between my last two posts that I had taught somethings that I needed to do. I found it interesting because I know that the Spirit teaches me things that I sometimes teach to others of which they have need. I love seeing how that inspired counsel helps them. Then sometimes, just sometimes, you find down the road that you need to follow the counsel that our Father in Heaven gave you for them because it was for both of you. So my point is that when the Spirit inspires you to speak, remember those words and write them down because you don't know when you may need them.

The next thought that came to me came from a talk that I read which sadly I couldn't not find. The discourse talked was something to the effect of "Our personal success" so I obviously decided that it was something that was worth looking into. In it the speaker explained that the Lord's idea of success is different from ours. I know that I had an particular idea of success from before my mission that I have learned is probably not all the same as what Heavenly Father's idea of success for me is. I know that it is sometimes hard but that we sometimes need to let go of our ideas of success so that we can better be a success in the eyes of the Lord.

I hope that this counsel helps you in your week. I hope that your week is good and that your write down some of the revelation that you receive.

August 30, 2011

When You're There and Then Serve Those Around You

Sadly I've been pretty busy between Sunday evening and now. I went on a ward tubing trip which was fun despite me being severally cold afterwards. I started reading The Screwtape Letters last week. It is very interesting and slightly difficult read. It is a good book because it has helped me become more aware of some of the subtle ways that Satan and his servants attack.
So the title contains two ideas that came to me last week. The first one is to "Be where you're supposed to be, when you're supposed to be there." This idea comes from Sister Clark the wife of the college president, President Kim Clark; oddly enough she got the line from another speaker when she was in college. Last week I was in the middle of helping out at the Celebrate Youth activity, when the Spirit bore witness to me that I was where the Lord needed me. I don't know if any of you, my dear reader, have had this experience but if you haven't, I hope you are blessed to have it. I will say that this is not the first time I've had this wonderful experience but I still enjoy this experience every time because then I know I'm where Heavenly Father needs me to be, when He needs me to be there. From my short experience in life, I have that doing the will of our Father in Heaven is always the most beneficial experience, no matter how odd, strange or awkward the decision may seem on the surface. Often following impressions of the Spirit and being where the Lord needs you can help serve some one who needs help.

The other thing that I learned this week, I learned on Sunday during both my scripture study and a fireside for our ward was that when you are having a rough time, find some one else to serve and it will help both of you out. In serving them, you lift their burden and follow the Savior in helping to lighten the burdens of others. The way it helps you, is that when you help them, often times you see how minor your problems are or how blessed you are. Recently I had an experience where I thought was tought, I then asked the Lord to let me serve someone. The person he sent me to help was my roommate. I helped him they best I could and soon came to realize how blessed I am.

So my recommendations for you are one, to follow the Spirit so that you can be where the Lord needs you to be when the Lord needs you to be there. The second is when you are feeling low, to find some one else to serve. I promise that doing both of these things will bless and brighten your day.

August 28, 2011

And the Lord Was With Us

This week was good. It was not much of what I expected but it was good. I finally finished the Percy Jackson series which was a bit sad. It's one of those series that when you reach the end, you feel like you're going to leave some good friends behind without knowing when in the future you're going to see them. I also found the photo of one of the books that I thought I had deleted.
Tuesday I went and volunteered at community event called Celebrate Youth. It was neat to help out and meet lots of new people. I got food and a free t-shirt which looks like this (food not pictured below).
You may not be able to tell but the shirt is lime green. I'm going to keep it, not because it fits (which it really doesn't) but because it reminds me of the Camp Half-Blood t-shirts which are bright orange.

Wednesday morning I went to the temple which was really nice. It was a great way to start out my day. Then I came home and got ready for the day. I went shopping at Desert Industries and dropped off some clothes that are a bit out of date but still in decent condition. I bought a couple shirts, a belt, and a tie. I also bought three books in the Chronicles of Narina which I finished earlier this year. While I was there I also ran into some friends that I haven't seen for five years. It was neat to talk and get a bit caught up.
Saturday I taught French to a few people in the afternoon which was a nice refresher. Later Megan and I went to visit an old friend of mine who just returned home from his mission. It was cool getting to talk to him and seeing how he's grown and matured. It also reminded me that I've now been home from my mission for over two years.

This week I have been richly blessed and had many topics come to my mind upon which I should write my blog. I will split up my ideas and post again tomorrow and hopefully have some more pictures to put in; nevertheless, I digress. Recently I've been rereading through The Book of Mormon. I was reading the chapter in which Nephi breaks his bow and his brothers' bows lose their spring so their whole family goes hungry for a period of time and everyone starts complaining. Eventually they get food and continue on in their journey. A few verses later Ishmael dies and Nephi records that "the daughters of Ishmael" complained against Lehi and Nephi. Laman and Lemuel exacerbated the problem and most of the group seem ready to threaten the lives of Nephi and Lehi. At this low point, Nephi records "And it came to pass that the Lord was with us..." What I got out of this phrase was that at our low points in life, we must recognize how the Lord is guiding us and how He is with us especially in our low points. I know that sometimes when I'm in those low points, sometimes the adversary tries to convince me that I have been forsaken by the Lord. I have learned that this statement is not true. The Lord does not abandon us, no matter how many times we may abandon Him. So when you are in a low place in your life, look up. Heavenly Father is there for you, and He will help you if you just but take his hand.

Another topic that I wanted to talk about is patience. These last few weeks, I have been learning patience due to a certain situation. When I was a teenager, I believed that I was extremely patient. Many people told me that I was patient. One of my bosses even said that I was "as patient as a saint". Before my mission I thought that patience was a virtue that I was have to work very little on. Then I entered the MTC, there I was put with a companion who was one of the most unusual people that I have ever met and had the strangest habits. I found out quickly how impatient, I really was. Ever since that time, I have found that I am not as patient as I thought. I have found that patience requires self-control and remembering how insignificant the thing that irritates you is in the realm of eternity.

I hope that these little lessons that I have drawn from my week will be able to help you in your week. May our Father in Heaven guide you to make the right decisions in your life is my prayer. Have a good day!

August 21, 2011

A Covenant People

This week was really pretty good. I was able to go to the temple twice which is always a good experience. I also got to catch up with a good friend of mine and talk about some fun plans. This week I finished one or two books of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. I took a picture of one of them as my picture for the week but then I deleted it on accident. But I have pictures of the covers of the last two that I've read. The author Rick Riordan is now on my list of great authors of our day. I don't have a lot of authors on this list but Orson Scott Card is number one on that list. If you haven't read the series, I would invite you too.

Anyway I'll get to my thought for this week. My idea today started because I had an itch. So I had an itch and for some reason that caused me to look at what I was wearing. That reminded me of the school dress code which reminded me of covenants that I've made in the temple. When I think about those covenants, I'm always reminded of how grateful I am that I have the blessings that come from them. Elder D. Todd Christofferson gave a talk entitled "The Power of Covenants"; which I have a link to here. I remember loving this talk. At the time I was a freshly returned missionary from France. In the talk he tells us that keeping our covenants gives us an added measure of strength.

On my mission I heard the opening to song called Sleep on the CD "Trek: A Nashville Tribute to the Pioneers"; it has a quote by a pioneer woman. She talks about how without the power and influence that the saints felt in the temple that "it would have been like one taking a leap into the darkness". By the end of my mission, I felt the same way about my mission. I knew that there was no way, someone with the fragile testimony that I had should have been able to endure the trials and hardships that I had on my mission.

I also remember another experience from my mission. I remember a day when I wanted to give up and go home. I was in one of my favorite areas with one of my least favorite companions. The day before had been long and I had a few hours of sleep due to circumstances that were out of my control. In about a twelve hour time frame, I had three different people complain to me about things that I couldn't change. Under normal conditions that would not have bothered me but that day, I was stressed, tired, hungry, and generally in a bad mood.

My companion and I were in a train station waiting on our train to go to district meeting; I was talking to my companion trying to plan out our day because we didn't have time the night before. I was the senior companion and I told my companion that I thought it would be a good idea for us to take a nap in afternoon before doing more proselyting. My companion said "What did you just say?"; that was his usual response of disagreement. That was the straw that broke the camels back. I closed my planner and got up with saying a word. I went stamped our train tickets. I contemplated going home for a few minutes because as I selfishly thought "I didn't pay for this." As I was thinking this, I remember almost hearing almost an audible voice say to me "But you promised me that you'd stay here." I hung my head for second. I remembered the covenants that I'd made with the Lord and how I'd promised Him that I'd be where He wanted me to be. I apologized to the Lord. "I'm sticking in this one for you, Lord" I told Him "Just.... help me to endure some of this stuff." That day, my covenants saved me from making a very bad decision.

So my hope is that you will appreciate the covenants that you have made with the Lord. If, like me, you still have some covenants to look forward to making, then keep yourself worthy. I know that the covenants and promises that I have made to the Lord have given me extra strength and comfort in my hard times. So when you're going through hard times, I admonish to stay worthy or become worthy of your covenants with the Lord and I promise you that He will bless you with the added strength and comfort that you need so much. I hope you have a great week!

August 14, 2011

Faith in Sacrifice

So this last week I got back to Rexburg and got readjusted to being back with roommates. This week overall has been a good week. I've went to a couple of dances and made quite a few new friends. I also got to watch a funny movie with my sister and a good friend of ours.

This week I had a rather difficult but good experience. It reminded me a little of my mission; hence the picture below. One of my readers knows a bit about this experience because we had a couple of conversations about it. If any of my readers are curious as to the details they can ask me directly.

Due to this experience I've thought a lot about faith, hope, and sacrifice. I thought about how the Lord called upon Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. I thought about how hard this had to be for Abraham; he and Sarah had prayed many days and nights for Isaac. The Lord had promised Abraham that his seed would be as numerous as the sands upon the sea shore and that they would have the gospel. Through Isaac this promise would be realized along with many others. Most importantly Isaac was his son; while I’m not a father, I know that a good and righteous father deeply loves his son. I can only imagine how heartbreaking it must have been when the Lord asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Then Abraham had a few days with Isaac and two of the servants to travel to the land of Moriah. I can’t imagine how agonizing it must have been for Abraham.

I have learned that sometimes the Lord asks us to make a sacrifice, and sometimes, like Abraham, He accounts our desire and sincerity to us as righteousness. When we are called upon by the Lord to make a sacrifice, we must have faith. There are also times when like Abraham, we must hope against hope, and have faith that the Lord could fulfill the promises that He had made. This is a principle that is easy to understand but is harder to live. I have learned that we must grow our faith on a daily basis so that when we are called on to sacrifice that we may find that we have faith stronger than sight and a hope grounded in the promises of the Savior. One of my favorite talks is “But If Not” by Elder Simmons, you can read it here.

The point of the talk is that our faith should not depend on people or the consequences of our choices. One of my favorite characters Alvin Maker was described as a man who always does the right thing no matter what the consequences; I personally hope that one day that some can describe me that way.

After this difficult situation, I know that the Lord has promised me great blessings. I don’t think that I’ve seen most of them yet but I know they’re coming. If you are going through a rough time know that the Lord is aware of your situation and that He cares and to quote Elder Holland “He is your Heavenly Father, and surely He matches with His own the tears His children shed.” I believe that. Exercise faith and do the right thing. I promise you that you will be blessed. Have a good week!

August 8, 2011

Are You Asking for a Challenge?!

So I have set a goal for myself to take a picture a week to help give my posts a little more unique and to help document what's going on in my life. For those of you who are reading this who might see me around, I invite you to get a picture with me because I realize that my schooling is slowly wrapping up and I want to get a picture with each of my friends and family.

Family, isn't it about time?

I know my title is cheesy but then again so am I. Those of you know me on a personal level, know that I love cheese. This is one of many reasons that I got along with French people so well. This last week I went home to North Carolina to visit my family. Among other things that we did, we went to a cheese factory and a nearby gift shop right.

There I got this!

That is a cheese knife. You use to cut the cheese (no, not that way). Then you use the prongs on the back to put the piece of cheese on your baguette or bread. I personally think it's genius and I am glad to have one for my cheese.

I spent a lot of time with most of my family. I wasn't able to spend time with two of them because they are in Europe. I think it should be mentioned that I haven't seen my family in North Carolina since January because I have a job here in town so it makes sense for me to stay here =year round.

I got to hang out a lot with my mom, dad and little brother (who's only presently shorter than me) and I had a ton of fun with them. Being around them again reminded me of all the reasons I love and care about them. They are honest and open about what they think of me and my ideas. We readily appreciate each other's humor and sensitivities. Most of us are avid readers. We all accept as fact that mom is always right, according to my dad, and that she is super cute. Then there is my dad, he is calm and collected when needs be or crazy and funny depending on the circumstances. To quote of one my favorite characters Aang, my little brother Aaron is "a mad genius". By the end of the week I was sad to leave my family because I had remembered how much they mean to me. They support me through my good and bad times. They help me learn and grow in the gospel and other areas of my life.

This is a reminder that your family is important. Friends will almost always come and go but family is forever. I ask you to keep your family close. They love and care for you, even if they're bad at showing it. I know that sometimes it can be hard to believe that they love you. But I know if you look hard enough you can see that they do love you. I hope you have good week!

August 4, 2011

The Unsung Heros

So as many of your know I had a guys night with my dad. We went saw Captain America. The movie was good and Marvel gets an A in my book for smooth transitions. After watching the whole hour movie, we had a short drive home. In the short time I got some advice from my dad. I don't think words can adequately describe my appreciation for his advice and compassion.

I thought about how I had sat and watched a two hour movie about fictional hero who wears tights and now I was sitting a few inches from a real life hero but who usually wears slacks. He may not have super strength or speed but he has a super heart, determination, and sense of humor (I'm a little biased on the humor part).

I remember growing up and most often my dad was my hero.

Then I got older and that fade wear off. I didn't want to be around my embarrassing dad. He wasn't cool or super macho. Then I went on my mission. It was there that I finally understood why my dad acted the way he did. I understood that he was learning, and trying his best. He wasn't perfect but he was just trying to do his best to follow his Savior.

Now I more fully understand that he has learned and grown as I have. I know that he isn't perfect but he's a good man who does his best with what he has. I think that he's super good at romancing my mom. He has learned to be more patient, compassionate, and gentile. There are lots of characteristics that I would like to emulate. To me, he is hero, an unsung hero.

So this is a reminder that real heroes don't have super powers, and don't have tights. I plead with you to look for the unsung heroes in your life. Love them and see them as our heroes.

July 31, 2011

The Little Changes

This last week was unexpectedly good. An old friend of mine came back into life and I hope to keep them as such for as long as possible. I'm presently back in North Carolina with my family. I'm missing my sister Catherine and Jesse but my understanding is that they're having a lot of fun in Germany.

This afternoon, I enjoyed running around in the warm North Carolinian rain. It was marvelous to do something I haven't done since high school. I didn't take the picture below but I want to use it to help y'all visualize what it looked like when I was outside.

Coming home, I've seen lots of changes in buildings, my house and chapel most notably. I've seen changes in people; kids and teenagers having grown up. Even the familiar environment has grown and changed. As I thought about this, I realized how much I've changed. I haven't been home since December. In that time I've taken seventeen credits, dated two different girls, and been given a new calling. I've learned some of the basics of family history work and many more things on patience and planning. The person I was in December is different from who I am now. I like to think that I'm a more Christlike person then I was.

I've learned that sometimes we have to put aside our deepest desires to do what the Lord wants. It hurts but my personal belief is that when we sacrifice something to the Lord, we always end up by recieving something better in return; the trick is that we usually don't see the better blessing sitting right in front of us. We often only see what we are losing. The Lord knows of your sacrifice and I know that it is not wasted or unseen. I know that when the Lord requires sacrifice He will always bless you. As Elder Holland said "Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some don’t come until heaven; but for those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they come." I humbly add my testimony to his that they do come. God does ask for a sacrifice without blessing in return. The blessing and its means of coming maybe be unusual but they do happen.

I have learned my short life experience to trust in the Lord. I will be the first to admit that I am far from perfect at this. I will testify that every time, I have trusted in Him everything turns out alright. Things turning our right doesn't mean I don't get hurt or that things magically repair themselves. Usually it means that the Lord supports me and I come out a better and stronger man in the end.

I am home enjoying being my family who I will have for time and all eternity. I hope that each of you can enjoy your family even you are far from them. If you have a hard time, please plead with Heavenly Father to help you to learn to love and appreciate them more. I can promise you that He will open your eyes and help you to see the good in them, no matter how hidden it may seem.

July 24, 2011

A Nugget

First, I'm glad to be alive. I've had a hard week but I've managed to get everything do that I needed to. I was pretty stressed about finals and some other things.

I've been reminded that discouragement is a tool that Satan uses against us. I've felt a little bit of that and other negative emotions. I'm looking forward to seeing my lovely family next week. Well most of them minus two of them but I guess it's okay since my sister, Catherine is going to hatch my future niece or nephew.

I'm grateful that I've been able to feel strongly the Spirit this last week even if I wasn't able to make it to the temple this week. On Saturday, July 16th, I was able to do an ordinance for one my families ancestors. It was neat experience and I love feeling the Spirit of the temple. I felt like it was a tender mercy from the Lord to feel the Spirit in His house and at other times during the week. To me it is a testament of how much the Lord loves and cares for us. I know that He is aware of our situation and that He loves us. He wants things to work out for you, even if that plan is different from how you imagined it. I hope that you continue to learn and grow in your understanding and testimony of His gospel. The Lord has amazing things in store for you. May the Lord bless you to see His hand and how much He loves you is my prayer in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ amen.

July 17, 2011

Appreciating Your Own Growth

This week started with me stressing out and freaking out about something I will have to learn to live with for a few weeks. It's not a big deal and the Lord made me aware of that. The Lord let me know that there is still much more happiness and joy to come in the future and I know that He speaks the truth. As some of you know my semester here is rounding to the close and so I will have many exams and things to get done. I also have to clean, pack, and change apartments. It will not be easy but it will "faisable" or capable of being done. The good news is that my weekend included going to the temple and doing some work for some of my family and going to the Family History Center on campus. It was very exciting because I managed to find new information and pictures of some of my ancestors. It was beautiful experience because I found a picture of one of my ancestors for whom I did vicarious work on July 16th of last year. (I didn't remember the date, I looked it up in my journal. I think this is an example that the Lord has perfect timing.)

Something that I've been reflecting on this week is being grateful for having time to learn. I know I sometimes that get frustrated in one situation or bored in another. I've recently thought about where I wanted to be this time two years ago and what it'd be like to be where I had intended. I realized how much worse my situation there would be in comparison to where I am now. I remembered how much I have learned having gone through all the experiences that I have had. While not all of them were pleasant, I recognized that the Lord has been teaching me little by little or "line upon line" while also helping me to draw closer to Him and His son. I like who I am now and I love the lessons that I've learned from my experiences. I'm glad that I'm slowly becoming the man that God wants me to be; I believe that he's a lot better man than the person I had envisioned for myself. This week, I finally thanked the Lord for something I thought I'd never thank Him for..... I thanked Him for the time that I've had to be single because of the opportunities that I've had to learn. I know that much of what I've learned, what I'm learning and what I will learn, will help me to one day get married and stay happily married.

So my thought for the week is to stop and ponder over the last few years of your life. Look at what you've learned and how the Lord has helped you grow and become stronger. Then find a time and place to express your gratitude to Heavenly Father for the more beautiful person that you've become.

July 10, 2011

Removing Oneself from the Equation

So this has been a long week on many levels for me. For those of you are unaware, I am again single and yes it was short-lived relationship. But as the French say "C'est la vie."

I have decided to write on a topic that I had thought about posting last week but decided that it might ill suited for that point in time.

Something I have learned on and off my mission is that forgiveness is a key element in the gospel. The forgiving of self and others. Both of these are important to living the gospel. As my teacher Brother Palmer said "There are two things you had better learn to be good at in this life, repenting and forgiving." Sometimes we need to forgive ourselves of these we've done. But more often than not we need to forgive others. This, as many of you know, is not always easy but it is necessary if we are to follow the example of the Savior. Christ taught "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, you heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15) So as we can see that if we want to stand worthily before "the pleasing bar of Jehovah" then we must forgive others, no matter how much they've wronged us. I believe that I understand why this is necessary.

Last December I saw the movie TRON: Legacy. It is one of favorite movies despite the various flaws that I have found in it. Sam Flynn, the main character from the previous TRON is imprisoned on the fringes of the GRID by a former ally. There he learns to how to "take oneself out of the equation". This phrase at first stuck me as being a hollow ideal meant simply to move the plot along at the ideal time. As the story moves along the audience sees that Sam puts his own value as secondary so that he can better help those for whom he cares. I think that forgiveness requires a bit of the same. We have to learn to "remove [ourselves] from the equation." I mean that we have to let go of the pain and hurt and let it be healed through the Atonement of Christ. Because as we do, we are better able to help and serve those around us. We often end up with more love and compassion for those we love, and we will be better able to serve them. Forgiveness allows us to stop cycles of pain and allows everyone involved to continue their progression.

Christ is obviously our best example of forgiveness. I hope and pray that we can learnt to forgive and "take [ourselves] out of the equation" when necessary.

July 3, 2011

Faith, Agency, and Knowledge

I believe that most of my readers will be already be familiar with the fact that I am now dating a very pretty and active young lady by the name, Kara Wheat; I am very happy about this. I'm happy to have her as a good influence in my life.

I recently finished reading "The Lectures on Faith" written by Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. It's about eighty pages of deep reading. Oftentimes you need to stop and think about what you've just read.

In the lectures, it says that three things are needed for faith to be productive and fruitful. They are 1) a belief that God exists 2) a correct knowledge of His attributes and perfections and 3) a knowledge that one's life is in harmony with the Lord's will. In part of the book it is explained why we need to have an understanding of each attribute and perfection of God and how a lack of even one of them weakens our faith. It reminded me that I need to perfect my own personal testimony of each one. So while I was reading this, I thought about the relationships between faith, agency and knowledge. Last week, I was teaching my family history class and I needed to make fill the rest of the time that my lesson hadn't. So I got a discussion going with my class about this and other things from the lectures on faith. I showed them a simple diagram I came up with to help visualize the relationship.

I should mention that for one of my classes we have to diagram cause and effect for each theory we read so I feel it's getting to me, in a good way.

We discussed the diagram and found that I was missing Incentive. In the end the diagram looked like this.

We found that agency well used increases faith and agency poorly used has the opposite effect. We talked about faith or lack of faith can effect our agency and what we do or don't do. We then talked about how if we have more knowledge of good things then it will increase our faith. The more we develop faith then it will finish by becoming a perfect knowledge. We decided that as our knowledge increases that it then gives us more incentive which in turn increases our agency. It then becomes obvious that we can then use our agency to gain more knowledge. Honestly I think that this fascinating to reflect upon but then again I may just be a gospel nerd.

I hope and pray that we can do a little better at exercising our faith and enlarging our knowledge. I know that as we do so accompanied by humble prayer that the Lord will bless our efforts. I hope that this has helped someone better understand faith and its effects. May the Lord bless your faith is my prayer.